October 2016 Board Meeting Minutes


The meeting opened at 7 PM. Present:  Annie Miller,Cliff Oliver, Claudia Blackler, Terry Pendergrass, Chris Ruland, WalterGrom,  Paul Thurston, Jim Nolan, PatIsgro,  Jenny Lyttle, Sandy McReynolds.


We received a draft of the fund raising letter.  Corrections and suggestions were made.  The board members are asked to come to thenext board meeting at 5:30 PM including dinner and to address letters.  $700.00 was made at Friday dinner…and donated$50.00 to the church.


Members attended the LARAC meeting for information and the grant application. The theme for this year is Folk Themes. The grant is due Oct. 29th. Possible programs: John Kirk & Trish Miller, Matt Edwards, BobWarren or Ally & Evan.  LARAC prefers a series rather than just one event.  TheLibrary is responsible for 20% of the fee.

Halloween: Terry and Naomi will be at thelibrary from 4-7 PM giving out donuts, cider and books…if anyone else isavailable please come!


Annie suggested that the job of this committee is to identify problems in the library, both big and small.  Find a person to work on these jobs.  It was suggested we contact the person who is in charge of the house rental to see if she has any suggestions: cmartinpm@yahoo.com, and her telephone number is518-307-4453.  Cliff Oliver will callMitch Throop to see if he is still interested in being on this committee along with Walter Grom and Sandy McReynolds. It was noted that an immediate problem is mold in the 2ndroom of the Gill Room.


There were ten requests this past month for research. Sandy gave a presentation of her Hub of Activity slideshow and walking tour to the Cambridge and Greenwich DAR members.  Members attended the Susan B. Anthony meeting where it was decided that a calendar of events from all organizations would be developed. Sandy will present the program for November, 2017 marking the centennial of the U.S. participation in WW I. The , the library for Nov. 11th2017 at for information.  Total hours 82 hours prefers a and staff and 9.5 hours by patrons.


The last book sale made $182.00. Jenny mentioned that the books that were to is available would be left on the tables in the outer room and any groups could cull through them and take what they want. Annie mentioned the Small Libraries Create Smart fundraising.  This program will help with needs of the library and the community.  Jim Nolan will work with this grant…Annie will check to see if anyone else will work with him. Submitted by Claudia Blackler, Secretary

Treasurer’s Report for Jan 1 through September 30, 2016

The attachment summarizes income and expenses for the first three quarters of 2016 in relation to the budget.

  • On the income side: fundraising, donations, and contributions from the Chase Trust are lagging.
  • We’ve exceeded the budget on grants. Congrats to Annie an here staff.
  • Total expenses of $119,299 were less than expected (64%). Maintenance costs including the custodial contract are up. Utility costs are down.

Account balances as of 9/30/2016

Construction Account126,943
General Operating Account157,872
GFNB Book Account6,198
Librarian Debit Account424

Respectfully submitted this 13th day of July, 2016.

Paul Thurston

Greenwich Library, Treasurer