February 2018 Board Meeting Minutes

MEETING Feb. 21, 2018

The meeting opened at 7 PM. Present: Annie Miller, Jim Nolan, Claudia Blackler, Paul Thurston, Walter From, Pat Lamb, Teri Pendergrass, Audrey Fisher, and Sandy McReynolds.
Minutes from December were approved…January meeting was cancelled due to snow!

Board Committees:

Board Recruitment & Reports: Audrey, Cliff, Jim
Building: Walter, Teri, Paul
Events: Audrey, Chris
Finance: Paul
Fundraising: Cliff, Jim, Naomi
Gill Room: Claudia, Jim, Sandy
Marketing and PR: Cliff, Pat
Policy: Audrey, Cliff, Jim
Policy Information:
SAL has distributed information on bylaws, what is appropriate for various library sizes and information from library trustees on line (which is on page 105 in Library Trustee Handbook). The Policy Committee will meet Tuesday, March 6th at 10 AM at the library.
Pat and Annie have met to set up a PR calendar.


Grants are due by end of August. Annie met with Paul about improvements for the main floor of the library. She suggested that we distribute a customer service walk thru with staff, patrons and non-library users. They will meet Tuesday, March 13th at 9 AM.

Gill Room:

Sandy will put together all her Journal Press articles and produce a book which can be sold…she will bring information on prices to the next meeting. Hours: In Gill Room:86.5 Outside Hours: 13.75 and patron use: 13.25. Sandy is monitoring the temps and humidity of the Gill Room which is needed for safety of collection. Sandy has agreed to work with the Folklife Center at Crandall Library to participate in a digital media version of the original exhibit shared on iPad stations placed within public institutions along the Battenkill Corridor..she will discuss the postcards and mill artifacts that are housed in the Gill Room that was used in the original exhibit last year. The amended Gill Room budget from $900. To $1,000. Was approved.


Monthly and yearly financial report accepted. We are going to ask for an additional tax levy of 2.5% which will be an additional $2,402.00. The motion was accepted and passed. A motion to move $30,000. From the Greenwich Acct. to the Construction Fund was accepted and passed. A motion was raised to eliminate the separate book account which was canceled and passed.


A donation of $10,000. Was received from an anonymous donor. $20,000. Was raised in the annual fundraiser.


Jim signed the SALS System Service Agreement. SALS Annual Trustee Meeting will be on Monday, May 21st from 5-7 PM at the Courtyard by Marriott-Excelsior Springs in Saratoga. Annie is going to enter MUSIC AS A LIVING HISTORY for Program of the Year award.