February 2016 Board Meeting Minutes



The meeting opened at 7 PM. Present: Annie Miller, Naomi Meyer, Jim Nolan, Cliff Oliver, Claudia Blackler, Walter Grom, Paul Thurston, and Sandy McReynolds.  Friends Pres. Jenny Lyttle, Guest: Terry Prendergast.

Jan. 13th minutes approved.  Jan. 24th retreat minutes approved.  Annual Report minutes approved.

Annie began the meeting with a film on Inspiration…we concluded that we do everything they mentioned. Because we have so many volunteers we are truly a community library.

Gill Room Report given by Sandy McReynolds: The new arrangement of collection and  weeding is  completed and a map will be developed to help staff and volunteers as well as the public locate items.  Washington County Historic Society has requested a list of historic dates pertaining to Greenwich to be included in their calendar fundraiser.  Sandy has been asked to take part in a WCHS fall tour BATTLES AND BREWS.  The bus  will stop at the Argyle Brewery in Grn  which was the site of the old Congregational Church.  Sandy will give a history of the church.  Patron use was 24.25 hrs. and volunteers hours were 52+.

The Friends latest book sale netted over $300.  Claudia suggested that they take pictures during the next sale and send them to the various papers…this will provide more publicity.


Friends purchased a new childrens computer.

Mary McKrell has worked with Annie to develop cash handling and other financial procedures. This report will be available at the next meeting for approval.

Annie attended the Washington Co. Economic Opportunity Council Asset Coalition meeting. Crandall library has applied for a grant to create a searchable database which would include all Washington County services available and how to apply for them. What would then be needed is training for volunteers to help patrons navigate it.  We are also working with the Washington County Economic Opportunity Council on a program which would include a computer which would enlarge print for people with visual problems, etc.  It was suggested that possibly Chris Ruland might be available to join the library board and assist with these projects.

The Tax Levy- Annie will investigate the exact amount the school is asking for and we will revisit this at next month’s meeting.

The annual report has been filed and copies will be sent to trustees.

Annie has applied for a Tech Grant. It is a computer literacy program which will teach patrons and community members how computers work. How to get rid of a virus, etc.  She will research where we  can get donated computers that can be disassembled and reassembled.  The school and SALS will donate some computers.  We will receive $5,000. in this grant which $2,500. will be given to SALS for their setup costs.  The board has authorized $1,000. a year for five years to provide funds to continue this program.  An intern will be hired to set up dates, programming, publicity, etc.

We received a wine coupon from NAKED WINE.  We purchased $160.00 worth of wine and received a  $100. coupon.  The cost to us is $60.00 which was donated by three library trustees

Paul will simplify the check ledger and create monthly reports for the trustees.

Our by-laws allow us to have up to 12 board members. We would like to increase our current number by inviting members of the community to our meetings.  Terry Pendergast was this month’s visitor. We were on our best behavior…we are hoping she will join the board.  Annie has invited Chris Ruland to next month’s meeting and he has accepted…so again we will put our best foot forward!

Walter Grom is still investigating insurance for the library. Very few companies are willing to insure libraries.  Last year we received a substantial refund from North Country, our current insurer.  The immediate problem is workman’s comp which is due for renewal in June.

At our retreat we decided to ask community members to become Honorary Board Members.  Claudia asked Joe Donahue and his reaction was “I left your home especially liking the idea of being an ‘honorary’ anything, much less a member of the library I love.  I so appreciate that opportunity and look forward to the results of the work we all do together.”

Cliff will ask John Hedbring, Annie will ask Josh Levy, Naomi will ask Melanie McKenzie and Jim will ask Cailie Curran. Someone will ask Bill Wade. We are hoping they will all feel the same as Joe does!

The last item on our agenda was our decision at the retreat to select a topic from the 2015 edition of the HANDBOOK FOR LIBRARY TRUSTEES OF NEW YORK STATE. We selected the topic: Intellectual freedom, censorship and privacy.  Our library has incorporated this into our by-laws and meet the state standards.

Claudia Blackler, Board